Altar Servers | Nick & Marietta Newland | mariettanewland<at>outlook<dot>com
Art & Environment | Kathleen Parry | Call the office: 425-391-1178
Care for Creation | Sue & Jeff Renner | jeffrenner3<at>comcast<dot>net
Centering Prayer | Susan & Jeff Renner | jeffrenner3<at>comcast<dot>net
Coffee Hour | Maria & Alejandro Aguirre | rociormz71<at>gmail<dot>com
Eucharistic Adoration | Lorna Coltorti | lmmrichardson<at>hotmail<dot>com
Eucharistic Ministers | Tom Kent-Dobias | tomkd<at>comcast<dot>net
Eucharistic Visitation | Karen Hauser | 425-391-1178 (x113)
Facilities Commission | Beth Kim | <at>mqp<dot>org
Finance Council | Brian Foster | brianfoster<at>outlook<dot>com
First Friday Rosary | Night Haleh Farsad | halehfarsad<at>yahoo<dot>com
Food Bank Collections | Laura Chapman | clachapman<at>comcast<dot>net
Funeral Receptions | Sally Pavlish | sallypavlish<at>gmail<dot>com
Healing Ministry | Christina Srinivasan | olphprayerministry_mqp<at>yahoo<dot>com
Hispanic Ministry | Gabriela Hidalgo | gabihidalgo<at>hotmail<dot>com
Human Concerns | Pat Johnson | pj2433<at>comcast<dot>net
Knights of Columbus | David Cinderella | GrandKnight<at>mqp<dot>org
Liturgy Commission | Fr. Chad | 425-391-1178
Marian Festival | Fidelis Xavier | fidelis.xavier<at>gmail<dot>com
Marriage Preparation | Dcn. Marco Albán | marco.alban<at>mqp<dot>org
Men's Prayer Group - English | Kevin McCarthy | kevin<at>skwim<dot>net
Men's Prayer Group - Spanish | Dcn. Marco Albán | marco.alban<at>mqp<dot>org
MQP Book Club | Barbara Walden | ambd<at>msn<dot>com
Pastoral Council | Lauren Heithaus | lauren.heithaus<at>gmail<dot>com
Prayer Chain | Gerri Dawson | gerri.b.dawson<at>gmail<dot>com
Racial Justice | Gene Cash | eugenecash<at>comcast<dot>net
Readers | Kim Christiansen | dk-2<at>msn<dot>com
Rosary on the 13th | Alia Abboud | abboudalia<at>aol<dot>com
Sacred Story | Nick & Marietta Newland | mariettanewland<at>outlook<dot>com
St. Vincent de Paul | Ron Zanco | svdp<at>mqp<dot>org I 425-391-1178
Sister Parish | Barb Luxenberg | luxsea<at>msn<dot>com
Santa Teresa Prayer Group | Gabriela Hidalgo | gabihidalgo<at>hotmail<dot>com
Social Life Committee | Mark Ursino | mark_ursino<at>msn<dot>com
Sound/AV | Steve Napier | stevenapi<at>comcast<dot>net
Usher Coordinator | Fr. Chad | 425-391-1178
Boy Scouts, Boys Troop 571 | Jon-Jacques Umphrey | | jumphrey<at>jugeote<dot>com
Boy Scouts, Girls Troop 5749 | Jon-Jacques Umphrey | | jumphrey<at>jugeote<dot>com