Pastoral Services & Healing


Fr. Chad will be available to hear confessions on Fridays. Please check our home page for updated schedule. You can also make an appointment with Fr. Chad for another time by calling the Parish Office at (425) 391-1178.

If you are not able to leave your home at this time, be sure that our Merciful God knows your intention.
Please make a sincere Act of Contrition and resolve to come to Confession in person as soon as you are able. ​Find suggestions for this prayer on our “Faith at Home” page.



Please contact the Parish Office to schedule with Fr. Chad:  (425) 391-1178 If it is urgent, and the Parish Office is closed or is not able to answer, please contact Eastside Pastoral Care, and they will be able to contact Fr. Chad or another priest:  (425) 655-3200



This is a traditionally-used phrase for receiving Anointing of the Sick and/or Viaticum when someone appears to be approaching death. Please see the phone numbers above to contact Fr.Chad or another priest. You do not need to wait until the last moment or day-of. Please contact us well ahead of time to make sure we have enough time to respond.