Parish Policies

Parish Fundraising Policy

Facility Usage for Non-Parish Groups

Rental Agreement for Non-Parish Groups

Facility Usage for Parish Groups

Facility Schedule Request Form from Parish Groups

Application for Special Events Coverage

The application process is entirely on line. Please go to to complete the application. You will pay with your own credit card and then you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a Certificate Binder. Please bring the e-mail and the Certificate to Mary, Queen of Peace to verify coverage. If you have any questions please email or call Barbi Boos, 391-1178 ext. 118.

Instructions for completing the Special Event Coverage information on the website   

Click on the word Quick Quote in the center of the website 
Select WA State click next 
Select Archdiocese of Seattle click next 
Select Mary Queen of Peace click next 
Select date and number in attendance click next 
Type of event -- Social reception indoors click next 
Answer the next two questions click next 
Event Title  -- Private Party 
Tenant User Name -- Person requesting the coverage 
Address - Person requesting the coverage 
City -- Person requesting the coverage 
State, Zip -- Person requesting the coverage 
Phone number -- 425-391-1178 
Email --